United Medical Billing Service

Medical Coding Solutions
Get Paid On-Time

Our expert clinical coders fulfill the coding needs of every specialty by assigning diagnosis and procedure codes that facilitate the creation of claims for submission to payers.
Trusted by 790+ Physicians
Catering to 40+ Specialties
70+ Certified Medical Billers & Coders
Open 7 days a week, 7am - 7pm

Why Choose

UMBS Coding Agency?

Accurate medical coding has become a necessity, particularly since ACA law has obligated healthcare providers to furnish patients with medical services they receive along with their corresponding expenses.

At BellMedEx, our certified coders analyze medical records to assign the proper standardized codes. This clinical coding expertise ensures your claims are reimbursed fully and quickly. No more submitting a service only to wait months for payment because of a coding error.

We follow the latest medical coding guidelines and legislation so your claims comply. This protects you from audit risks and overcharging patients due to unbundling. With BellMedEx, your reimbursements will be timely and accurate.

Our rigorous training and continuing education gives our coders an edge. They identify the right codes for even the most complex cases. This clinical coding solution helps avoid those claim denials that lead to revenue loss.

Put BellMedEx’s medical coding services to work for your practice. Our clinical coding solutions bring speedy and correct reimbursements in today’s climate of growing regulations. Outsource your coding needs and gain peace of mind knowing claims are coded right the first time.

UMBS Coding Audits & Consultancy Solutions

For healthcare leaders seeking truth in numbers, our medical coding services deliver. We scrutinize records to derive meaning, value, and direction. The benefits are manifold: reduced costs, optimized reimbursement, and evidence-based care. What results is sustainable growth and mission fulfillment.

UMBS Coding Audits & Consultancy Solutions

For healthcare leaders seeking truth in numbers, our medical coding services deliver. We scrutinize records to derive meaning, value, and direction. The benefits are manifold: reduced costs, optimized reimbursement, and evidence-based care. What results is sustainable growth and mission fulfillment.

Medical coding analysis

Billing Procedure & Strategies For The Future!

Medical coding analysis, therefore, minimizes risk in the billing procedure and proves to streamline strategies for the future.

Medical Coding Services & Solutions

Everything You Need Is Right Here

Advanced Coding Algorithms

UMBS's medical coding services use advanced algorithms to accurately assign medical codes, reducing human error and minimizing claim denials.

Certified Coding Specialists

UMBS's certified medical coding specialists ensure accurate, compliant coding, aligned with the latest industry standards and regulations.

Real Time Edits and Audits

UMBS's medical coding outsourcing includes real-time edits and audits for accurate, complete coding, reducing errors and compliance issues.

Integration with EHR and Billing Systems

UMBS's medical coding services integrate with EHR and billing systems, streamlining data transfer and optimizing revenue cycle management.

Compliance with Coding Standards

We adhere to ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS standards and comply with HIPAA regulations to ensure accurate coding and protect patient data.

Customizable Reporting and Analytics

UMBS's medical coding services offer customizable reporting and analytics, helping healthcare providers monitor efficiency, identify trends, and make informed decisions.


Hire AHIMA & AAPC Certified Medical Coding Experts

UMBS’s coding experts assign diagnosis and procedure codes with 99% accuracy, ensuring proper reimbursement. Our managers review charts for compliance with ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS standards, capturing every detail for optimal revenue cycle management.

One Solution with

Knowledge Base Automation

Payor changes can be challenging, but UMBS simplifies the process. Our rules engine, with over 4 million rules, detects issues before claims are submitted, ensuring 96% are accepted and paid on the first try. If a claim is denied, our experts manage it and update our database to prevent future denials. Our billing services streamline claims so you can focus on patient care.

Medical Coding Services & Solutions

Get advanced help with Medical Coding

0% Staffing Burden

Avoid stretching your staff thin with coding. Our service assigns precise codes for you, eliminating the need to hire, train, and manage in-house coders. Outsource to us and reduce staffing burdens.

Complete Denial Assistance

Prevent income loss. Our detail-oriented coders catch deficiencies, ensuring you're paid for all services rendered. Optimize records and eliminate lost revenue.

Reduction in DNFB and Backlogs

Backlog indicates pending cases post-discharge, while DNFB reflects accounts not finalized due to coding or documentation issues. UMBS reduces backlog and lowers DNFB ratio effectively.

Automated Validation

The system verifies insurance benefits during check-in to prevent billing surprises and prompts patients to pay co-pays upfront.

Performance Metrics

Efficiently review your practice's financial performance and implement scalable initiatives for improvement.

Bills Collection

Receive a concise overview of your medical bills, with statuses like paid, denied, in process, or rejected. Our experts will handle bill follow-ups and offer one-click support for any billing issues.

AI Workflow

An AI-driven billing rules engine swiftly identifies and rectifies errors in medical claims, leading to expedited payments and increased reimbursement rates.

Intelligent Billing

Efficient billing, coupled with precise charge coding, results in accurate and compliant superbills, eliminating any risk of up or down coding.

Compliance Driven

AI-driven algorithms suggest the correct E&M level, detect and prevent medical fraud, eliminating the need for a dedicated coder.

Optometrists, Audiologists

Credentialing broadens the scope of optometrists' and audiologists' services, ensuring essential eye and ear care is accessible to a diverse clientele.

Behavioral Health Providers

Our credentialing service facilitates behavioral health providers' inclusion in insurance networks, extending crucial mental health services to individuals who require them.

Inpatient • Outpatient • Professional Fee • Specialty Reviews

Our medical coders are certified by AHIMA and AAPC. They know about all kinds of patients and places where healthcare is given. Every year, we code more than 10 million patient records. A group called KLAS even recognizes us as good at coding. We’re here to give you fast and accurate medical coding. Our coders are experts in more than 35 areas of medicine.

Medical coding is the process of translating medical procedures, diagnoses, and treatments into standardized codes. It is essential for healthcare providers because accurate coding ensures proper documentation, streamlined billing, and adherence to industry regulations.

Medical coding plays a crucial role in accurate billing and timely reimbursement. By assigning appropriate codes to patient diagnoses and treatments, healthcare providers can submit error-free claims to insurance companies and government healthcare programs, reducing the risk of claim denials and payment delays.

CureMD's medical coding service adheres to industry-standard coding systems, including ICD-10 for diagnoses, CPT for procedures, and HCPCS for supplies and services. This compliance ensures consistency and compatibility with other healthcare systems.

Yes, CureMD's medical coding service is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing Electronic Health Record (EHR) and billing systems. This integration streamlines the coding process, facilitates data exchange, and optimizes revenue cycle management.
CureMD ensures compliance with industry regulations and coding guidelines through a team of certified coding specialists and real-time audits. Our specialists possess in-depth knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy, maintaining accuracy and confidentiality in the coding process.