United Medical Billing Service

Optimize Medical Billing with Expert Accounts Receivable Services

Our specialized accounts receivable services empower your practice to minimize outstanding balances, optimize collections, and enhance cash flow

Trusted by 790+ Physicians
Catering to 40+ Specialties
"Certified home icon symbolizing our certified expertise in accounts receivable services"
70+ Certified Medical Billers & Coders
7 Days icon representing our around-the-clock support for accounts receivable services
Open 7 days a week, 7am - 7pm

Accounts Receivable outsourcing services

Accounts Receivable (A/R) represents the money owed to healthcare providers and medical billing companies for services rendered to patients. Essentially, A/R functions as a credit line for patients, allowing them to defer payment at the time of service. A robust A/R process is essential in healthcare, as it prevents cash flow issues and maintains financial stability.

We are your reliable partner for top-notch medical billing services, including comprehensive A/R management. Our goal is to minimize days in A/R and ensure timely payments through consistent follow-ups with insurance companies and patients. Our team consists of experienced healthcare professionals specializing in medical billing services and accounts receivable services. We provide support in various aspects of A/R, including:

UMBS Solutions for Efficient A/R Management

Healthcare providers should understand the three stages of A/R management. Let’s delve into each stage for a comprehensive understanding  before choosing any account receivable services Providers.

Payment and collection icon illustrating our efficient accounts receivable and collections services

Proactive AR Management For Your Practice

The Solution To Your Pain

Medical Accounts Receivable Services

Insurance Verification

We handle this promptly and accurately, verifying before the patient sees the provider.

Denial Management

We excel at coding, but claims can be denied due to patient misinformation. When this happens, we promptly correct the information and get the payment process back on track.

Tracking of Accounts Receivable

We act quickly! The claim process and patient co-pay billing should take no more than 30 days. Delays are flagged and prioritized.

Account Receivables Follow-up

Our A/R team ensures bills are paid promptly. Rely Services has a proven track record, so you don’t have to worry. We'll keep both the insurance company and the patient informed.

Order Management

Detailed reports, including insurance aging, give your business a clear view of its financial health and a timeline for accounts receivable and claim collections.

Customer Billing

From the initial bill, our focus is clear: Get it paid! We complete billing within 24 hours of receiving the information, including insurance coding and claim notification.

Ready To Speed Up Your Collections?
Get Started With Our Medical Billing Services.

Why Choose Us!

Benefits of the A/R Management Process

Accounts receivable in healthcare is distinct from other industries due to the high amounts owed, the involvement of insurance companies, and the risks of late payments or “bad debts.” With evolving payer plans, patient co-pays, and high-deductible health plans, A/R management has become increasingly complex.

Effective A/R management is crucial for a healthcare organization’s profitability. Physicians need robust strategies to minimize reimbursement issues and accelerate cash flow. We offer the knowledge, technology, and expertise to optimize your medical practice’s financial performance for years to come.

Accounts receivable (AR) in the general ledger (GL) represents money owed to a business by customers who have bought goods or services on credit.
Billing is a component of accounts receivable and involves creating and sending invoices to customers. When a business provides goods or services without immediate full payment, the unpaid amount is recorded as accounts receivable.
For electronic claims, the turnaround time can be as rapid as two weeks.